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8 Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition Terbaru 2022, Lengkap dengan Strukturnya

Senin, 14 November 2022 | 19:34 WIB
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2. Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition Edukasi 

Study Explains That Dogs shed tears when reunited with their owners


Dogs shed tears when they are reunited with their owners, with the possible cause being the hormone oxytocin, a new study suggests.

The study, conducted by researchers at Azabu University in Japan, measured the volume of tears released by dogs who were reunited with their owners, and with known people who were not their owners.

They found that dogs produced more tears when reunited with their owners than with familiar non-owners.


Previous research has shown how a dog can cause its owner to release a boost of oxytocin - a hormone known as the "love hormone" because of its positive impact on empathy, social trust and bonding.

Japanese researchers found another potential link involving hormones and dogs: when oxytocin was dropped into dogs' eyes, the animals shed more tears when they were reunited with their owners. There was no such effect when the researchers added an oxytocin-free solution to the dogs' eyes.

The findings have been published in the journal Current Biology.

Researchers hypothesize that dog tears may play a role in encouraging their owners to care for them. When human subjects were shown photos of dogs with and without tears, about 10 to 15 percent preferred to treat dogs with tears in their eyes.

"Unlike other animals, dogs have evolved or have been domesticated through communication with humans and have acquired a high level of communication skills with humans using eye contact," the researchers wrote.

"Through this process, their tears may play a role in eliciting protective behavior or maintaining behavior from their owners, which results in deepening of mutual relationships and further leads to interspecies bonding."


3. Contoh Teks Analytical Exposition Tentang Pentingnya Hand Sanitizer

The Importance of Hand Sanitizer During a Pandemic

During the COVID-19 outbreak and the spread of the virus, many people realized the importance of using hand sanitizer in their daily lives. Whether you're traveling, running errands or going to work, a high-quality hand sanitizer spray can make a big difference in your overall health.


You probably don't have to experience a pandemic outbreak to understand that germs are everywhere. Although COVID-19 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, the tiny organisms can and do land on a variety of surfaces.


What's more, the surface can sustain the new coronavirus for several hours. That gives you plenty of time to touch doorknobs, gas stations, debit card machines, light switches, telephones, ATMs, and toilets all of which have been used by an infected person. When you physically come into contact with COVID-19, you substantially increase your risk of contracting it.

Luckily, there are Magica hand sanitizer sprays and topical gels. We have responded to the COVID-19 crisis by developing hand sanitizers designed to make your life easier.

Our hand sanitizer formula adheres to the World Health Organization's strict guidelines to ensure that it does nothing but benefit you and your family. But remember that you shouldn't use hand sanitizer if your hands are visibly dirty. Hand sanitizer to remove bacteria and germs, invisible grease and oil.

The CDC recommends that you use it before and after entering public places (for example, to buy groceries). You should take extra care to use hand sanitizer when you visit people who are particularly susceptible to the virus.


Make sure you and your family are protected during the worst times of the COVID-19 pandemic by arming yourself with Magica hand sanitizer. Visit us online to find out more.

Editor : Muri Setiawan

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